Full Stack Web Development with Django 5

Including AI integration, TailwindCSS, AlpineJS, and HTMX

Instructor profile picture
Jose Salvatierra
Founder of Teclado
Man at a computer
C / 001 Description

This course is in super-early-bird mode. We're writing and recording the course as we speak!

Learn how to build websites using HTML and TailwindCSS. Add interactivity with JavaScript and AlpineJS. Dynamically replace content with HTMX. Serve with Django, and store data in PostgreSQL.

You'll also learn about background tasks using Celery, and you'll learn to orchestrate the entire app using Docker and Docker Compose.

The app we build in this course uses 5 services:

  • The Django app

  • The Celery runner

  • A PostgreSQL database

  • A Redis database as a task queue

  • Flower for inspecting the Celery queue and workers

This is the complete full stack web development course, using Django 5.

If you want to build complete web projects, simply and efficiently, using modern technologies, this course is what you're looking for.

C / 002 What you'll learn

Build your back-end using Django 5

Design beautiful pages and code them with TailwindCSS

Add interactivity with AlpineJS

Dynamically change page content using HTMX

Add user authentication and email confirmation with django-allauth

Store data using PostgreSQL and understand database migrations

Implement background tasks with Celery

Use Docker and Docker Compose for local development

Deploy the complete app to Railway

C / 003 Prerequisites

Python fundamentals

C / 004 Course content

21 More Sections

C / 005 Instructor
Teclado Logo

Jose Salvatierra

Hi, I'm Jose! I love helping students learn to code and master software development. I've been teaching online for over 7 years, and I founded Teclado to bring software development to everyone—my objective is for you to truly understand everything that goes on behind the scenes.

C / 006 FAQs

What does 'early access' mean?

We're still writing and recording the content in this course. Until the course is complete, you can get it at a discount! If you have an active subscription, you already have access to this early access version of the course.

Is there a free trial available?

There are several free preview videos, but no free trial. If you aren’t fully satisfied with the course, just ask for your money back. No problem, and no pressure.

How does the course work? When does it start and end?

This is an on-demand video course for you to take at your own pace. In this course we build a complete web application using Django. We recommend you watch the video and then try to replicate what the video covers in your own projects.

Do I get lifetime access if I buy the course?

If you purchase the course, you'll get lifetime access to it. If you access the course via the Teclado subscription, you'll have access to the course for as long as you keep your subscription active.

Is this course suitable for beginners?

This course is a bit fast paced for complete beginners. We recommend you have good knowledge of Python before tackling this course. Our free 30 Days of Python course should give you a good start!

What support is available while taking the course?

Our Discord student community is the best place to get help with the course content. Alternatively it's always a good idea to try to find your own answers by using platforms such as StackOverflow (since that's what you'd do in a real-world job).