Web Development
Full Stack Web Development with Django 5
The complete full stack course for building web applications using Django 5, HTMX, AlpineJS, TailwindCSS, and PostgreSQL. Including AI integration and user authentication.
Jose Salvatierra
FastAPI 101
Learn how to build a social media API with user authentication, background tasks, sending emails, and 100% test coverage.
REST APIs with Flask and Python
Create complete, professional REST APIs using Python with Flask, Docker, and PostgreSQL. Learn to use Flask extensions for authentication, database interaction, database migrations, and background tasks.
Web Developer Bootcamp with Flask and Python
Build and deploy dynamic websites using Python, Flask, MongoDB, HTML, and CSS! This course teaches you both front-end and back-end development so you can create your own websites and deploy them for the world to see.
FastAPI for Beginners
Learn how to work with FastAPI, including user authentication and async database interactions, by building a social media API.
Automated Software Testing with Python
Learn about all differents kind of test using Python with the unittest library, Selenium WebDriver, and Postman.